Zvezda Aircraft 1/72 Russian MI28NE Night Havoc Attack Helicopter Kit
Changes in the military situation after the Cold War made specialized anti-tank helicopters less useful. The advantages of the Mi-28N, like all-weather actionability, lower cost, and similarity to the Mi-24, became important. In 2003, the head of the Russian Air Force stated that the Mi-28N and Ka-50 would become the standard Russian attack helicopters.
The first serial Mi-28N was delivered to the Army on 5 June 2006. By 2015, 67 Mi-28Ns were planned to be purchased, when the Mi-24 was to be completely replaced. The Rostvertol plant delivered about 140 Mi-28N and Mi-35M helicopters in 2012–14 to domestic and foreign customers; 28 helicopters were delivered in 2015.