Vallejo Acrylic 17ml Bottle Extra Opaques Game Color Paint Set (16 Colors)
Collection of 16 colors sets of Game Color for painting models and miniatures. Each one of these sets has a selection of special colors for painting figures, etc. Contains 16 bottles of 17 ml. (with eyedropper) and Game Color chart.
- 72.410 Heavy Skintone
- 72.141 Heavy Red
- 72.142 Heavy Violet
- 72.143 Heavy Blue
- 72.144 Heavy Bluegrey
- 72.145 Heavy Grey
- 72.146 Heavy Green
- 72.147 Heavy Blackgreen
- 72.148 Heavy Warmgrey
- 72.149 Heavy Khaki
- 72.150 Heavy Ochre
- 72.151 Heavy Goldbrown
- 72.152 Heavy Orange
- 72.153 Heavy Brown
- 72.154 Heavy Sienna
- 72.155 Heavy Charcoal