Hasegawa Aircraft 1/72 B17G Flying Fortress A Bit O' Lace US Heavy Bomber Ltd Edition Kit

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SKU: HSG-2324

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A Bit 'O Lace was based on a popular Army cartoon strip, "Male Call." Armourer Nicholas Fingelly painted it in 1944 and in July 1945 the Bomber returned to the US after having flown 83 missions. The B-17 was ultimately scrapped along with her surplus sisters. Milton Caniff's comic strip, Male Call, from where the Miss Lace artwork was drafted, was also scrapped at about the same time. The dark olive drab color on the rudder, elevators, and starboard aileron are obviously replacement parts after she received extensive tail damage on April 4th, 1945. Prior to April 4th, 1945, the rudder and ailerons were painted silver.

The squadron was stationed at RAF Rattlesden, England, from December 1943 to August 1945. It flew its first combat mission on December 24th, 1943, against a V-1 missile site near Saint-Omer in Northern France.

From December 1943 to May 1944, the squadron helped prepare for the invasion of the European continent by attacking submarine pens, naval installations, and cities in Germany; missile sites and ports in France; and airfields and marshaling yards in France, Belgium and Germany. The squadron conducted heavy bombardment missions against the German aircraft industry during Big Week, February 20th - 25th. 1944.

The unit supported the invasion of Normandy in June 1944 by bombing airfields and other targets. On D-Day, the squadron bombed the beachhead area using pathfinder aircraft.

The squadron aided in the breakthrough at St. Lo, France, and the effort to take Brest, France, from July to September 1944. It bombed strategic targets from October to December 1944, concentrating on sources of oil production. It assaulted marshaling yards, railroad bridges and communication centers during the Battle of the Bulge from December 1944 to January 1945. In March 1945 the group bombed an airfield in support of airborne assault across the Rhine. The unit flew its last combat mission on April 21st, 1945 against a marshaling yard at Ingolstadt, Germany.

The 709th redeployed to the United States during the summer of 1945. The air echelon ferried their aircraft and personnel back to the United States, leaving on June 29th-30th, 1945. The squadron ground echelon, along with the 711th squadron sailed 3 August 1945 on the SS Benjamin R. Milam, from Liverpool. Most personnel were discharged at Camp Myles Standish after arrival at the port of Boston. A small cadre proceeded to Drew Field, Florida and the squadron inactivated on November 7th, 1945.

  • U.S.A.A.F. 8AF 447BG 709BS K-D:A BIT O'LACE s/n 42-97976 Spring 1945

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